จำหน่ายเครื่องมือวัดทางอุตสาหกรรม ทุกชนิด
1. เครื่องมือวัดขนาดทางอุตสาหกรรม
- ไมโครมิเตอร์ (Micrometer) MITUTOYO
- คาลิปเปอร์ (Caliper) MITUTOYO
- ไฮเกจ (Height Gauge) MITUTOYO
- ไดอัลเกจ (Dial Gauge) MITUTOYO
- ไดอัลเทสอินดิเคเตอร์ (Dial Test Indicator) MITUTOYO
2. เครื่องมือวัดเกี่ยวกับอาคาร Fluke (Building infrastructure Fluke)
Fluke Ti480 PRO Infrared Camera | Fluke 922 Airflow Meter/Micromanometer | Fluke 922 Airflow Meter/Micromanometer
Fluke 985 Particle Counter | Fluke 971 Temperature Humidity Meter | Fluke CO-220 Carbon Monoxide Meter |
Fluke RLD2 HVAC/R Flashlight | Fluke 902 FC True-RMS HVAC Clamp Meter | Fluke 116 Digital HVAC Multimeter |
Fluke 481 DESI Ion Chamber Survey Meter | Fluke 931 Contact and Non-Contact Dual-Purpose Tachometers
Fluke 941 Light Meter | Fluke 925 Vane Anemometer | Fluke 930 Non-Contact Tachometer | Fluke 1587 FC Insulation Multimeter
+ Indoor air quality testing Fluke
Fluke 985 Particle Counter | Fluke 971 Temperature Humidity Meter | Fluke 925 Vane Anemometer | Fluke 945 Sound Meter
+ Laser Distance meters Fluke
Fluke 414D/62 MAX+ Laser Distance Meter/Infrared Thermometer Combo Kit |
Fluke 404E/406E/405/408/410 Laser Distance Meter | Fluke 417D Laser Distance Meter | Fluke 424D Laser Distance Meter
+ Laser Levels Fluke
Fluke 180LR 2-Line Laser Level | Fluke 180LR 2-Line Laser Level | Fluke LDR and Fluke LDG Laser Line Detectors
+ Occupancy monitoring
Irisys SafeCount™ Real-Time Occupancy Monitoring Solution | SafeCount LCD Display Screen |
SafeCount People Counting Display Signage
+ Wire tracers
Amprobe AT-6010 Advanced Wire Tracer Kit | Amprobe AT-6020 Advanced Wire Tracer Kit |
Amprobe AT-6030 Advanced Wire Tracer Kit | Amprobe UAT-610 Underground Utilities Locator Kit |
Amprobe UAT-620 Underground Utilities Locator Kit | Amprobe AT-8020 Advanced Wire Tracer Kit
Amprobe AT-8030 Advanced Wire Tracer Kit
3. เครื่องมือวัดทางไฟฟ้า Fluke ( Electrical tools Fluke )
+ Digital multimeter Fluke
Fluke 87V MAX True-rms Digital Multimeter | Fluke 87V Industrial Multimeter | Fluke 279 FC True-rms Thermal Multimeter |
Fluke 179 True-RMS Digital Multimeter | Fluke 117 Electrician's Multimeter with Non-Contact Voltage |
Fluke 115 Field Technicians Digital Multimeter | Fluke 177 True-RMS Digital Multimeter | Fluke 28 II Rugged Digital Multimeter |
Fluke 289 True-RMS Data Logging Multimeter | Fluke 116 Digital HVAC Multimeter | Fluke 3000 FC Series Wireless Multimeter |
Fluke 287 True-RMS Electronics Logging Multimeter | Fluke 114 Electrical Multimeter | Fluke 113 Digital Multimeter |
Fluke 233 Remote Display Digital Multimeter | Fluke 83V Average Responding Industrial Multimeter |
Fluke 28 II Ex Intrinsically Safe True RMS Digital Multimeter | Fluke 175 True-RMS Digital Multimeter |
Fluke 27 II Rugged Digital Multimeter | Fluke 88V Deluxe Automotive Multimeter | Fluke 77 IV Digital Multimeter |
Fluke v3000 FC Wireless AC Voltage Module | Fluke v3001 FC Wireless DC Voltage Module | Fluke 78 Automotive Multimeter |
Fluke 179/TPAK Combo Kit - Includes Meter and Magnetic Hanger | Fluke PRV240 Proving Unit |
Fluke PRV240FS Proving Unit: Test Voltage Indicators | Fluke 1587 FC Insulation Multimeter
+ Basic electrical testers Fluke
Fluke T6-1000 PRO Electrical Tester | Fluke T6-1000 Electrical Tester | Fluke Two-pole Voltage and Continuity Testers |
Fluke T6-600 Electrical Tester | Fluke T5-1000 Voltage, Continuity and Current Tester | Fluke T5-600 Electrical Tester |
Fluke 9040 Phase Rotation Indicator | Fluke 1AC II Non-Contact Voltage Tester | Fluke 2AC Non-Contact Voltage Tester |
Fluke T+Pro Electrical Tester | Fluke 1000FLT Fluorescent Light Tester | Fluke T+ Electrical Tester | Fluke 2042 Cable locator |
Fluke 9062 Motor and Phase Rotation Indicator | Fluke LVD2 Non-Contact Voltage Tester | Fluke PRV240 Proving Unit |
Fluke 1LAC II A Non-Contact Voltage Tester | Fluke PRV240FS Proving Unit: Test Voltage Indicators |
+ Clamp meters Fluke
Fluke 393 FC Solar Clamp Meter CAT III 1500 V | Fluke 376 FC True-RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter with iFlex |
Fluke 377 FC Non-Contact Voltage True-rms AC/DC Clamp Meter with iFlex | Fluke 325 True RMS Clamp Meter |
Fluke 378 FC Non-Contact Voltage True-rms AC/DC Clamp Meter with iFlex | Fluke 902 FC True-RMS HVAC Clamp Meter |
Fluke 381 Remote Display True RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter with iFlex® | Fluke 368 FC Leakage Current Clamp Meter |
Fluke 369 FC Leakage Current Clamp Meter | Fluke a3001 FC Wireless iFlex® AC Current Module |
Fluke a3000 FC Wireless AC Current Clamp Module | Fluke 323 True RMS Clamp Meter | Fluke 373 True-RMS AC Clamp Meter
Fluke 324 True-RMS Clamp Meter with Temperature & Capacitance | Fluke 365 Detachable Jaw True RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter
Fluke 375 FC True-RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter | Fluke 374 FC True-RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter |
Fluke 773 Milliamp Process Clamp Meter | Fluke 355 True RMS 2000 A Clamp Meter | Fluke 353 True RMS 2000 A Clamp Meter
Fluke a3002 FC Wireless AC/DC Current Module | Fluke 772 Milliamp Process Clamp Loop Meter |
Fluke a3003 FC Wireless 2000 A DC Current Clamp Meter | Fluke a3004 FC Wireless 4-20 mA DC Clamp Meter |
Fluke 771 Milliamp Process Clamp Meter | Fluke T6-1000 PRO Electrical Tester | Fluke T6-1000 Electrical Tester |
Fluke T6-600 Electrical Tester | Fluke T5-1000 Voltage, Continuity and Current Tester | Fluke T5-600 Electrical Tester |
+ Power Quality Fluke
Fluke 1770 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers | Fluke 1732 and 1734 Three-Phase Electrical Energy Loggers |
Fluke 1742, 1746 and 1748 Three-Phase Power Quality Loggers | Fluke 1736 and 1738 Three-Phase Power Quality Loggers |
Fluke 1760 Three-Phase Energy Logger | Fluke PQ400 Electrical Measurement Window | Fluke Norma 4000 Power Analyzers |
Fluke VR1710 Single Phase Power Quality Recorder & Voltage Recorder | Fluke Norma 5000 Power Analyzers |
Fluke Norma 6000 Series Portable Power Analyzers | Fluke 1760TR Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder |
Fluke 1760 Basic Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder | Fluke 1760TR Basic Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder
+ Earth Ground Fluke
Fluke 1630-2 FC Earth Ground Clamp | Fluke 1625-2 GEO Earth Ground Tester |
Fluke 1623-2 GEO Earth Ground Resistance Meter
+ Installation Testers Fluke
Fluke FEV300 EV Charging Station Test Adapter Kit With Type 2 Connector | Fluke 1664 FC Installation Multifunction Tester
Fluke FEV300 EV Charging Station Test Adapter Kit: Type 1 & 2 Connectors | Fluke 1663 Installation Multifunction Tester |
Fluke 1662 Multifunction Testers |
+ Insulated tools Fluke
Fluke insulated combination pliers | Fluke insulated diagonal cutter | Fluke insulated long nose pliers |
Fluke Insulated Phillips screwdriver | Fluke insulated pump pliers | Fluke slotted insulated screwdrivers |
Fluke insulated square screwdriver |
+ Intrinsically safe Fluke
Fluke 28 II Ex Intrinsically Safe True RMS Digital Multimeter | Fluke 718Ex Intrinsically Safe Pressure Calibrator |
Fluke 721Ex Precision Pressure Calibrator | Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Mini Infrared Thermometer |
Fluke FL-45 EX Intrinsically Safe Flashlight | Fluke FL-120 EX Intrinsically Safe Flashlight |
Fluke FL-150 EX Intrinsically Safe Flashlight | Fluke HL-200 EX Intrinsically Safe Headlamp |
+ Battery analyzers Fluke
Fluke 500 Series Battery Analyzer
+ insulation testers Fluke
Fluke 1587 FC Insulation Multimeter | Fluke 1555 FC 10 kV Insulation Tester | Fluke 1550C FC 5 kV Digital Insulation Tester
Fluke 1507 Insulation Resistance Tester | Fluke 1503 Insulation Resistance Meter | Fluke 1577 Insulation Multimeter |
Fluke 1535/1537 2500V Insulation Resistance Meter (Digital High-Voltage Megohmmeter) |
+ Portable oscilloscopes Fluke
Fluke 120B Series Industrial ScopeMeter handheld Oscilloscopes | Fluke 190 Series III ScopeMeter® Test Tools |
Fluke MDA-550 Series III Motor Drive Analyzer |
+ Portable appliance testers Fluke
Fluke 6000 Series Portable Appliance Testers |
+ Solar industry tools Fluke
Fluke FLK-IRR1-SOL Solar Irradiance Meter | Fluke 393 FC Solar Clamp Meter CAT III 1500 V |
Fluke 1587 FC Insulation Multimeter | Fluke Ti480 PRO Infrared Camera | Fluke 87V MAX True-rms Digital Multimeter |
Fluke 1630-2 FC Earth Ground Clamp | Fluke 87V Industrial Multimeter | Fluke 500 Series Battery Analyzer |
Fluke 64 MAX IR Thermometer | Fluke 365 Detachable Jaw True RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter | Fluke insulated long nose pliers |
Fluke 1625-2 GEO Earth Ground Tester | Fluke 1507 Insulation Resistance Tester | Fluke 279 FC True-rms Thermal Multimeter |
Fluke Norma 6000 Series Portable Power Analyzers |
+ eMobility Fluke
Fluke 87V Industrial Multimeter | Compact Fluke PTi120 Pocket Thermal Camera | Fluke 1587 FC Insulation Multimeter |
Fluke 376 FC True-RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter with iFlex | Fluke 1630-2 FC Earth Ground Clamp | Fluke PRV240 Proving Unit
Fluke 500 Series Battery Analyzer | Fluke 1664 FC Installation Multifunction Tester | Fluke FLK-IRR1-SOL Solar Irradiance Meter
Fluke 120B Series Industrial ScopeMeter handheld Oscilloscopes | Fluke 1732 and 1734 Three-Phase Electrical Energy Loggers
Fluke 1662 Multifunction Testers
4. Acoustic and thermal imaging Fluke
+ Thermal imaging cameras Fluke
TiS75+ Thermal Camera | Fluke TiS55+ Thermal Camera | Fluke TiS60+ Thermal Camera | Fluke TiX580 Infrared Camera |
Fluke TiS20+ / TiS20+ MAX Thermal Imaging Camera | Fluke Ti480 PRO Infrared Camera | Fluke Ti401 PRO Thermal Camera |
Compact Fluke PTi120 Pocket Thermal Camera | Fluke RSE300 Mounted Infrared Camera |
Fluke RSE600 Mounted Infrared Camera | Fluke SmartView R&D Thermal Imaging Software |
+ Acoustic and thermal imaging Fluke
Fluke ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager | Fluke ii900 Industrial Acoustic Imager | Fluke DS703 FC Diagnostic Video Borescope
+ IR Window Fluke
Fluke CV400 ClirVu® 95 mm (4 in) Infrared Window | Fluke 050 CLKT IR Window for Outdoor and Indoor Applications |
Fluke 075 CLKT IR Window for Outdoor and Indoor Applications | Fluke CV401 ClirVu® 95 mm (4 in) Infrared Window |
Fluke 100 CLKT IR Window for Outdoor and Indoor Applications | Fluke CV200 ClirVu® 50 mm (2 in) Infrared Window |
Fluke CV201 ClirVu® 50 mm (2 in) Infrared Window | Fluke CV300 ClirVu® 75 mm (3 in) Infrared Window |
Fluke CV301 ClirVu® 75 mm (3 in) Infrared Window
5. Temperature measurement Fluke
+ Contact thermometers Fluke
Fluke 54 II B Data Logging Thermometer with Dual Input | Fluke 53 II Temperature Logging Digital Thermometer |
Fluke 52 II Dual Probe Digital Thermometer | Fluke 51 II Handheld Digital Probe Thermometer |
Fluke t3000 FC Wireless Temperature Module | Fluke 568 Contact & Infrared Temp Gun |
Fluke 561 HVAC Infrared & Contact Thermometer | Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Mini Infrared Thermometer |
+ IR thermometers Fluke Non-Contact Infrared (IR) Thermometers
Fluke VT06 Visual IR thermometer | Fluke VT08 Visual IR thermometer | Fluke 64 MAX IR Thermometer |
Fluke 62 MAX+ Handheld Infrared Laser Thermometer | Fluke 62 MAX Mini Infrared Thermometer |
Fluke 572-2 High Temperature Infrared Thermometer | Fluke 568 Contact & Infrared Temp Gun |
Fluke 561 HVAC Infrared & Contact Thermometer | Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Mini Infrared Thermometer |
Fluke FoodPro Infrared Food Thermometer | Fluke FoodPro Plus Thermometer Replacement Probe |
6. Network cable testers Fluke
+ Copper testers Fluke
+ Industrial Ethernet testers Fluke
7. Alignment tools Fluke
+ Laser alignment Fluke
+ Vibration analysis Fluke
8. Calibration tools Fluke
+ mA loop calibrators Fluke
+ Multifunction calibrators Fluke
+ Pressure calibrators Fluke
+ Temperature calibrators Fluke